2020 Reading Challenge: June Recap

This summer is just flying by! I’m pretty sure I’m going to blink, and July will be over and we’ll be starting school again. I admit, I thought I was going to accomplish a lot more blogging and writing over the summer than I actually have, but this is just…

2020 Reading Goals: March Recap

Boy, did March ever throw me and my reading for a loop! Ironically, I think I was reading more than ever. Unfortunately, a heavy majority of it was excessive consumption of the news. Not great for my mental health or my reading goals, frankly. I’ve cut back now, and am…
reading challenge

Reading Challenge 2020

Reading Challenge Recap of 2019 It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Time for all the new reading challenge goals and resolutions, that is. Boy do I love setting a reading challenge. What I don’t love is forgetting to follow through. Which is exactly what I did last year.…

What I Read: December 2019

Well, I did it! I read 11 books in December, bringing my total to 121 and surpassing my total goal for the year by one. I’m a little bit more embarrassed by how few of the challenge titles I actually read from my lists in January last year. I’m determined…

What I Read: September

I did it, you guys! Not only did I catch up on my reading this month, but I’m three books AHEAD! I’m so excited! Now if I can just keep this momentum up and finish out the year strong, that would be great… October should be a good reading month,…
what i read may

What I Read: May 2019

This is the month I fell behind. I was so disappointed looking at my totals, that I’ve had to really force myself to go ahead and get this post written. I’m only disappointed because I FELT like I read a lot, and it just didn’t show up in the book…
what i read april 2019

What I Read: April 2019

Can you believe we’re through the first quarter of the year? I can’t. But, as of right now, I’m officially still on track to make my reading goal this year! I finished 8 books, and still have 12 that I’m ‘currently reading’. I also added 45 to my to-read list…

What I Read: March 2019

March wasn’t a bad reading month for me, all things considered. I managed to keep up, at least, and moved house at the same time, so we’re calling this a win. Now that we’re basically unpacked, I’m looking forward to getting good reading and writing habits re-established for myself again.…