Trials of a SAHM

I hate the term Stay-At-Home-Mom.  It sounds passive and weak–everything that actually being a Stay-At-Home-Mom isn’t.  We need a better term, people.  Something that makes us out to be the bad-asses that we are, instead of continually reviving the idea that all mom’s do at home is watch soap operas…

The Mommy Groove

This week has been fantastic. I felt like I finally had a groove going where I was balancing the kids, the housework, my editing, and some studying and nothing was particularly neglected or all-encompassing. For me at least, I think it boils down to having a good routine and sticking…

How Do I Love Thee- Parenthood style

(This was a joint collaboration on the part of my superman and myself. He started it, jokingly, I added a couple lines and posted it here. We really do love our kids 😉 ) I love thee like a morning, that you’re not awake.  I love thee like a diaper,…

Kids Book Reviews ~ Library Haul #2

Throughout this summer, Sophiapea and I are participating in our library’s summer reading program.  That doesn’t really change anything about our reading habits, except that there are incentive prizes, and who doesn’t like incentive prizes?  Anyways, since we’re reading so much now anyways, I thought it was high time that…

This Moment

This moment.  This bleary-eyed, early morning moment, is only here once. It’s easy to forget, and settle into a routine of wishing.  Sometimes I wish the baby would sleep through the night.   I really wish Sophiapea would get through her latest ‘difficult toddler’ phase. Somehow I wish there was both…

BOOK REVIEW: The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Book: The Maze Runner by James Dashner Genre: YA, Dystopian Description (from goodreads) “If you ain’t scared, you ain’t human.”  When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He’s surrounded by strangers–boys whose memories are also gone. Outside the towering stone walls that…